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Criticism and Suggestions for Gunadarma University

hello everyone I am a 5th semester student at Gunadarma University. The main campus is in the city of Depok, West Java. Gunadarma University was established on August 7, 1981, so if it is calculated, its age reaches 39 years. With a fairly mature age, Gunadarma University continues to improve by carrying out improvements and developments in various things. I study at Gunadarma J1 campus. where this campus is a branch campus of Gunadarma in the Bekasi area. this time I created a blog to fulfill the task of English communication soft skills 5. I will discuss what facilities are available on the Gunadarma campus what needs to be fixed or added Gunadarma University j campus is located on KH Noer ali kalimalang bekasi street Gunadarma University's J1 campus has various facilities such as television and fans in the lobby area, air-conditioned classrooms, 2 elevators, prayer rooms, parking areas and others. Campus J1 is composed of 6 floors consisting of se...
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the new year resolution

   the new year is just counting the days of 2019 will change to 2020  A new year is usually synonymous with new achievements or new         resolutions. to change yourself towards the better  what is your 2020 resolution??  Alright before discussing about this coming   new year I will discuss about   what I have experienced in 2019.  2019 for me is a very tough and full of obstacles.  because in 2019 I had   difficulty finding an internship that would later be useful for my final   writing.  but finally I was able to go through those difficult times.  in 2019 there are several plans that have been achieved and have not yet   been achieved.  there are a few things that I might say are achievements in 2019 this year I succeeded in completing my practical work activities at BPJS and the Ananda foundation in time and it became a pride for m...

My personal experience about the first time riding public transportation

while coming on my blog introduce my name kadek arista on this blog I will tell you the first time riding public transportation Here I will tell about my personal experience about the first time riding public transportation. In early 2006, more precisely when I entered grade 3 until I first took an city transport from my house to my school located in the area of ​​Jatiasih, Bekasi At that time my parents could not take me to school because they had a job that could not be abandoned. So I took the initiative to went with my sister by taking public transportation, even at that time, I didn't memorize the streets of Jatiasih, and that's where I first felt lost riding public transportation  because the road used to pass was improved, so the public transportation choose another shortcut where I have crossed the road but the road has a T-junction and I only know the first turn. But the transportation was straight to a road that I had never traveled before   I thou...


in this blog i will discuss about MEA first i explain what MEA is MEA is an abbreviation of the ASEAN economic community (Southeast Asia). countries of ASEAN have in common that is together developing countries so that the leaders of this country agreed on cooperation in the fields of goods, service, investment, labor, and business capital, as well as everything else was realized. which aims to improve the economy in the ASEAN area. MEA members are ASEAN  countries consisting of 10 countries that is Indonesia Malaysia Thailand Filipina Singapura Brunei Darussalam Vietnam Kamboja Laos Myanmar in the field of professions and experts, the implementation about MEA is supported by agreements is to recognize the accreditation of various professions so as to facilitate professional cooperation in this country There are eight professions that already have MRA as stated in ASEAN Mutual Recognition agreements, namely : profesional engineer, nurse profession ,professional...

Akuntansi leasing

Pengertian leasing juga secara umum dapat didefinisikan sebagai perjanjian antara lessor (perusahaan leasing) dengan lessee (nasabah) dimana pihak lessor menyediakan barang dengan hak penggunaa oleh lessee dengan imbalan pebayaran sewa untuk jangka waktu tertentu. Jenis – jenis leasing 1. Operating Lease Suatu operasi lease tidak menyatakan adanya kewajiban jangka panjang baik bagi lessor maupun lessee dan biasanya boleh dibatalkan oleh pemilik atau pengguna aktiva setelah pemberitahuan ketetapan umum (memiliki hak opsi). 2. Financial Lease Merupakan suatu lease jangka panjang atas aktiva – aktiva tetap yang tidak boleh dibatalkan oleh kedua belah pihak. Sebagai sumber dana, financial lease pada dasarnya adalah suatu jenis yang sama dari alternative pembelanjaan utang jangka panjang. Financial lease terbagi 2 yaitu: a. Direct Finance Lease: jika pihak pada waktu sebelumnya belum memiliki barang modal yang dijadikan obyek leasing tersebut. b. Sale and Lease Back: pihak le...

Pajak penghasilan

Pengertian Pajak Penghasilan Pajak penghasilan (PPh) adalah Pajak Negara yang dikenakan terhadap setiap tambahan kemampuan ekonomis yang diterima atau diperoleh Wajib Pajak, baik yang berasal dari Indonesia maupun luar Indonesia yang dapat dipakai untuk konsumsi atau untuk menambahkan kekayaan Wajib Pajak yang bersangkutan. ketentuan perpajakan memiliki perbedaan  penentu laba akuntansi dan penghasilan kena pajak atau laba fiscal juga seringkali berbeda. Perbedaan ini terbagi menjadi dua macam yaitu perbedaan Permanen dan Temporer : Perbedaan Permanen atau Tetap Perbedaan ini disebabkan adanya provisi dari UU perpajakan yang telah menentukan beberapa jenis pendapatan yang dibebaskan dari penghasilan tidak kena pajak dan beberapa jenis beban yang tidak boleh dikurangkan dalam penghitungan pajak.  Kedua hal ini tidak menimbulkan masalah akuntansi karena tidak pernah diperhitungkan dalam menentukan laba kena pajak atau laba fiscal (taxable income). Namun dimasukkan dalam ...


PENGERTIAN arus kas masuk bruto dari manfaat ekonomik yang timbul dari aktivitas ormal entitas selama suatu periode, jika arus masuk tersebut mengakibatkan kenaikan ekuitas yang tidak berasal dari kontribusi penanaman modal. PRINSIP PRINSIP Pendapatan dianggap direalisasikan apabila barang dan jasa, barang dagangan, atau harta lain ditukar dengan kas atau klaim atas kas; Pendapatan dianggap dihasilkan (earned) apabila entitas bersangkutan pada hakikatnya telah menyelesaikan apa yang seharusnya dilakukan untuk mendapat hak atas manfaat yang dimiliki oleh pendapatan itu PENGAKUAN PENDAPATAN SEBELUM PENYERAHAN BARANG ATAU PELAKSANAAN JASA Pendapatan dianggap dihasilkan (earned) apabila entitas bersangkutan pada hakikatnya telah menyelesaikan apa yang seharusnya dilakukan untuk mendapat hak atas manfaat yang dimiliki oleh pendapatan itu. Terdapat dua metode akuntansi untuk kontrak kontruksi jangka panjang yang diakui oleh profesi akuntansi, yaitu : . Metode persentase pen...