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in this blog i will discuss about MEA

first i explain what MEA is
MEA is an abbreviation of the ASEAN economic community (Southeast Asia).
countries of ASEAN have in common that is together developing countries so that the leaders of this country agreed on cooperation in the fields of goods, service, investment, labor, and business capital, as well as everything else was realized. which aims to improve the economy in the ASEAN area.

MEA members are ASEAN  countries consisting of 10 countries that is

  1. Indonesia
  2. Malaysia
  3. Thailand
  4. Filipina
  5. Singapura
  6. Brunei Darussalam
  7. Vietnam
  8. Kamboja
  9. Laos
  10. Myanmar
in the field of professions and experts, the implementation about MEA is supported by agreements is to recognize the accreditation of various professions so as to facilitate professional cooperation in this country There are eight professions that already have MRA as stated in ASEAN Mutual Recognition agreements, namely : profesional engineer, nurse profession ,professional architect, dentist professioal, professional accountants, tourism professionals, professional medical personel,professional survey personel.

My opinion about MEA :  the existence of MEA is very beneficial for indonesia in general. not only implemantation  of labor supply , but profitable from all sectors especially economic improvement. where the import dutty  and exit tax is eliminated making it easier from indonesian industrial marketing and reduce the amount of unemployment . even though MEA actually has a negative impact, namely if MEA applies then will be a free market then other countries will be able to sell their products easily in indonesia. at prices that are much cheaper that local products and wit better quantity.


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